CBD Products

Feel The Daze

Urban Daze sells the best CBD products online that you can pick up right here in our store! Or, get the best CBD candies, CBD gummies, and even more, shipped right to your door!

Browse our online selection of the best CBD products available!


CBD, or cannabidiol, is the most abundant cannabinoid found in the cannabis hemp plant. CBD is non-intoxicating and works with the CB2 receptors in the body and endocannabinoid system. Whereas the famous chemical found in cannabis, or marijuana, THC, is the one that produces the traditional, pleasant “high” feeling.

CBD is cultivated from hemp flower plants and provides a much milder, relaxing, and calming feeling compared to the general effects of THC. CBD is still being researched for its medical benefits and medicinal properties, but many users still enjoy the way CBD makes them feel!

Get the Best CBD

CBD is legal in all 50 states. CBD can be made into several different products and can be consumed in many different ways! Urban Daze uses premium cannabinoid extract for all of our CBD products, from CBD gummies to CBD tincture, and much more!

Check out the many different premium CBD products we offer below!

CBD Tincture Oils on a table


Tinctures provide CBD extract in bottles with droppers to add to anything!

Hemp products on a table

Full Spectrum

Our full spectrum tincture offers all the major and minor cannabinoids.

Assortment of colorful CBD Gummies


We have the tastiest CBD gummies!

Hemp Products in containers sitting on a wood table


CBD isolates are purely CBD with no trace of THC.

Urban Daze CBD Soft-Gel Capsules Jar


CBD caplets are just like any other pills you might take, but provide CBD benefits.

Contact Us

Got questions, thoughts, or just want to reach out? Contact our team at Urban Daze anytime! We are here to help with anything and everything you need. Whether it’s about our products, testing processes, or simply to connect, we look forward to hearing from you!